Sunday, May 27, 2012

Looking to Jesus (Radical Living)

Along the way I’ve discovered when I’m unsure of what to do in any given situation in my life, the perfect life of Christ always reveals the right path.

But the pictures I’ve cherished of Jesus since childhood have recently been shattered as I’ve began to truly study the life of Christ in earnest. You see, Jesus came to walk with the beggars, talk with the thieves, eat with the prostitutes, and touch the filthy, unclean lepers—He came to commune with sinners.

The truth is that living like Jesus is radical, it’s extreme, it’s even what some would call fanatical; it’s living love in ever part of my life. It is love in action.

The deep wisdom and life-changing truth found in Jesus’ life has never failed to be a flawless guidebook for my life. When I stand at a crossroads on life’s path, wondering which way I should go, I find the wisdom of Jesus is exactly what I need—every single time. I’ve also discovered that God’s answer is rarely what I expect, and it’s often not what I would choose for myself; but, thankfully, God’s ways are always better.

So join me as I stop looking to the world for wisdom to guide me through life and look instead to the perfect life of Christ.

Final Thought: Being a follower of Christ requires a radical life change.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Facing Life’s Fires (Following the Fireman)

Along the way I’ve discovered that God’s plans for us are mysterious and often unexplainable. This life is filled with unexpected twists and turns, but through it all one thing remains solid, one thing remains strong, one thing remains unchangeable—God.

In the most profoundly life-changing moments of our lives, we as Christians have a superior advant...age; in facing life’s trials, we have a strong shoulder to lean on, we have a wise ear that leans in to listen, we have strong arms that hold us up, we have the power of the universe waiting to work toward our advantage; we have a God Who is using every ounce of His power to our advantage.

The good news is that when life’s fires come (and they will), we do not have to go through the flames alone; we have a God Who walks with us through the fire; and when we step out of the flames, like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, our clothes won’t even smell of fire.

So join me as I put my trust fully in God, allowing Him to turn my trials into rejoicing, my fears into faith, my fires into hope.

Final Thought: The flames of life’s fires will not consume me when I am faithfully following the Great Fireman.
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Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: A life lived for Christ is never lived in vain.

Between the Blogs

Personal Commitment: Praising God is simple when life is easy and everything is going my way; however, when the storms come, the praising becomes a bit more difficult. But, like Job, I am committed to praising God in all situations—even when the storms come.

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: This is one of life’s strangest truths is that submission to God equals freedom.

Between the Blogs

Personal Commitment: In the past few weeks I’ve learned how truly fulfilling trusting in a God Who never fails in His promises can be. I’ve discovered firsthand that our wonderful God really does bring peace to even the most chaotic of situations. So, this week, I am committed to fully surrendering to the loving God Who created me; I am fully committed to giving my all to the caring God Who continually plans good things for me.

Unconditional Surrender (Unconditional Freedom)

Along the way I’ve discovered this surprising truth: True, authentic freedom only comes when I fully surrender to God’s perfect will.

In the past, I’ve been stubbornly independent, erroneously believing I could only find true freedom when I did things my own way—doing what I wanted, when I wanted, and how I wanted. However, I’ve slowly come to the ...beautiful realization that true freedom comes only when I fully surrender my will to God.

Surrendering to God gives me freedom from doubt, freedom from worry, freedom from stress, freedom from anxiety, and freedom from fear; it also give me freedom to succeed, freedom to step outside my comfort zone, freedom to live a life of abundance, freedom to live joyfully in all circumstances. In short, fully surrendering to God gives me true, soul-saturating freedom.

And when I finally surrendered my will and my life to God, He gave me the strength and courage to become the woman He always wanted me to be.

The freedom that comes from total surrender is one of the great mysteries of God, a mystery that cannot be fully explained, a mystery that must be experienced to be understood.

So join me as I let go of my stubborn independence, as I turn my life totally over to God and finally experiencing the true freedom that comes with unconditional surrender to God.

Final Thought: When I surrender fully to God the most wonderful thing happens: I find myself released from my fears, worries, concerns, uncertainties, and burdens—I finally experience true freedom.
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Between the Blog

Personal Epiphany: When I fully surrender to the will of God I am never disappointed with the outcome.

Between the Blogs

Personal Commitment: I am committed to letting go of my stubborn independence and instead placing my trust fully in God and His perfect plan.

Planting My Faith (Harvesting Peace)

Along the way I’ve discovered that God is not only interested, but also intimately involved in my life; and, if I allow Him, He will speak to me, revealing His will in a myriad of ways.

In recent years I’ve experienced God’s presence in my life as He daily guides and directs me. And, even though I still sometimes struggle with fully trusting Him and that He has a good plan for my life, when I look back on the past I can easily identify His loving hand leading me; and, in those moments, trusting becomes much easier.

Each day as I commit myself to fully trusting God, and He once again proves Himself faithful, the trusting becomes more natural. Looking back, I can clearly see the ways God is bolstering my faith day by day, carefully constructing a firm foundation of faith to build my life on.

The truth is that when I am faithfully trusting and following God’s path, my life is transformed. And the peace I find by following God’s will instead of my own selfish desires truly is a peace that passes all understanding.

So join me as I allow God to be my guide, firmly planting my faith fully in Him instead of my own deeply flawed beliefs. Join me as I harvest a bumper crop of God’s perfect peace. Join me as I find the joy of living fully within God’s perfect will.

Final Thought: Walking with God can never be fully explained in mere words; it can only be experienced.
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Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: When I am caught up in the hurricane of God’s perfect love it transforms me, giving me the wisdom and strength to become a productive member of God’s family—a member that is able and willing to reach out to others with hands of love and healing.

Between the Blogs

Personal Commitment: I am committed to allowing God to transform my heart, giving me the ability to be a productive part of God’s family, standing shoulder to shoulder with my fellow believers and taking the world by storm, engulfing them in a hurricane of God’s perfect love.

The Family of God (A Beacon on a Hill)

Along the way I’ve discovered that there’s a special connection within families. When a family is emotionally and spiritually healthy there is something magnetic and monstrously strong in the thick ropes of love that bind them together; there is a fierce loyalty, an immovable love that washes away petty fights and angry words; there is an unspoken that regardless of what you do they will always, always stand beside you, forgiving your wrongs and steadfastly standing by your side ready to fight your battles, shoulder to shoulder.

Sadly, not all families are bound together with this kind of fierce, immovable love. Too many families find that their ropes of love are tattered and rotten; too late they discover those ropes easily fall away with the slightest tug.

When God first called me to join His family, remembering the broken and rotting ropes of my earthly family, I politely decline, saying, “No thank you; I don’t need any more family drama. I’m better off on my own.” I said this because I had never experienced the thick ropes of love that bind a healthy family together; and without this example of a loyal, loving family I was incapable of understanding what it meant to be part of God’s family.

But God is the Great Healer and He healed much of the brokenness in my family—He healed the brokenness of our hearts. He gave me a plethora of examples, including families in my church and my husband’s rough and rowdy, fiercely-loyal, abundantly-loving family. He restored my picture of love, my idea of family, and my picture of God as a loving father.

So join me as I allow God to continue restoring my vision of family. Join me as I determine to be a productive, fiercely loyal member of God’s amazing family. Join me as I stand shoulder to shoulder with my fellow believers and restore the world’s picture of love, family, and God.

Final Thought: God’s family should be a beacon on a hill shining God’s perfect love to a dark, hurting world.
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Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: It is always better to let go and let God.

Between the Blogs

Personal Commitment: The words “Give it to God” are so easy to say, yet, sometimes, so difficult to do; but I am committed to continually turning all my troubles over to God, to continuously claiming His promise to work all things together for good.

Trading Hearts (The Transformative Power of God)

 Along the way I’ve discovered that love truly can heal broken and bleeding relationships.

My father and I had a tumultuous relationship for many years, that is, until God changed my heart just as He promised He would in Ezekiel: “I’ll give you a new heart, put a new spirit in you. I’ll remove the stone heart from your body and replace it with a h...eart that’s God-willed, not self-willed” Ezekiel 36:26 (NLT).

And that’s just what He did; and when God’s abundant love filled my heart, it spilled over, saturating my relationship with my father. And, in recent years, this constant, relentless outpouring of love has begun to soften my dad’s heart; and, slowly but surely, his view of our relationship is changing. Now, instead of seeing the hurting, angry child I once was, he is beginning to see me as a loving child of God.

This amazing transformation began when God came into my life, when His relentless, unfailing love swept away the last vestiges of the anger and frustration that was slowly creating a crust over my heart, covering it with a hard shell resistant to emotions—a barrier against love. But, as it is with God’s love, it flooded my life, sweeping away the hate, anger, and pain. Now His perfect love is a powerful river flooding my life, drowning the pain, sorrow, anger, frustration, and hate from my life. Now His love fills my heart to overflowing, permeating every aspect of my life.

So join me as I embrace the flood of God’s perfect love, allowing it to continue His life-changing work in my life. Join me as I allow God to replace my self-willed heart of stone with a God-willed heart of love.

Final Thought: The most powerful weapon in the world is the unparalleled love of God.
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Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: Learning begins in the deep silence of true, sincere listening.

Between the Blogs

Personal Commitment: Sometimes I falsely believe I can do it all on my own, stubbornly refusing to ask for help; then, looking at the pile of challenges facing me that day, that week, that month, that year, I feel overwhelmed. Today, I am determined to give it all to God. I am committed to living the advice of Jesus and to taking my life one day at a time, letting God take care of all my tomorrows.

Stepping into the Light (Claiming Victory)

Along the way I’ve discovered that one of the many benefits of believing in Jesus is a life lived in hope—hope for today, hope for tomorrow, hope for eternity.

To be honest, there are days when this world’s struggles and trials do their best to weigh me down, tearing at my joy, clawing at my happiness, but in those dark moments I find myself clinging even more closely to the faith I have in Jesus—the assurance of one day living in ...the new earth filled with God’s brilliant glory. This amazing hope is a constant ray of sunshine in a cold, dark world, lighting up even the darkest corners, reminding me that one day the darkness will be banished and God’s light will forever shine on a fully renewed and totally transformed earth.

That morning, nearly 2,000 years ago, that Jesus rose from the grave, forever conquering death, all heaven joined the celebration—a raucous celebration that pronounced the final victory over darkness and death. Because of Jesus’ victory, no matter how dark this world becomes, I know I serve a God Who walked through that darkness and rose into glorious God-light.

And here’s the best part: Our victorious Jesus invites us to share in His victory over death, to join Him in the life-giving rays of that glorious God-light. So join me as I accept Jesus’ invitation and join in the victory celebration, claiming His victory as my own, and conquering death through the power of my resurrected Lord.

Final Thought: I live a joyful life of faith, confident in Christ’s victory, a victory that was accomplished though His death and resurrection, giving me the assurance of eternal communion with God—eternity overflowing with His perfect glory and grace.
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Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: It all comes down to love—God’s love.

Between the Blogs

Personal Commitment: This past week I’ve been not only enjoying, but also celebrating the spectacular splendor of spring; so, I am renewing my commitment to celebrate and enjoy every moment of my life, to embrace and cherish the abundant blessings my loving heavenly Father daily showers upon me.

Spring (A Catalyst for Change)

Along the way I’ve discovered that there’s nothing quite like the sweet smell of spring.

In Nebraska, spring came early this year. Everywhere I look, new life is bursting forth: The grass is quickly becoming green and verdant, warm spring rains are bringing out the rich, pungent smell of new growth, flowers are showcasing their vibrant hues, and trees are adorned w...ith blossoms of white, pink, red, purple, and magenta. Everything seems to be rejoicing—shouting joyfully praises—as it returns to life after its winter’s rest.

This amazing, spring-induced rebirth has caused me to consider the seasons in my life, reminding me that I should celebrate every moment, enjoying each season for the beauty and the challenges it brings.

Spring is the season of new growth and new life; each day seems to be filled with exciting opportunities and limitless possibilities. But, it’s not all easy; spring is also the time for planting, the time to explore the new opportunities God places in our lives. Spring is a time when God throws open the doors that lead to the fields He has prepared for us to plant. And spring is filled with storms, rain, and wind—difficulties that are the catalyst for genuine, if not always pleasant, growth.

So join me as I embrace the seasons of my life, recognizing God’s loving hand as He holds me through the storms, acknowledging His abundant grace as it shines on my newly-planted faith, causing it to grow strong and firm.

Final Thought: Every season of life brings both challenges and opportunities; and our God, in His infinite faithfulness, can always be depended on to bring us through triumphant and victorious.