Sunday, January 27, 2013

Forfeiting My Fears (Focusing My Faith on the Father)

Along the way I’ve discovered that all too often fear drives the negative actions in my life. I’ve found, when I closely examine my motives, they can often be traced back to long-held, closely-guarded, falsely-cherished fears.

Unfortunately, fear is a powerful force; it propels many of my actions and permeates even the most unlikely cubbyholes in my life. Fear often climbs into my lap, pressing down until I can’t move—can’t even breathe. It pins me tightly to my safe, comfortable chair.

But, according to God’s Word, I’ve been released from the oppressive burden of fear; in fact, the Bible makes it abundantly clear that, with God on my side, I have absolutely nothing to fear: “Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice” Isaiah 41:10 (AMP).

Wow! God is on my side—fighting for me! What then do I have to fear? I can stand up, victorious, facing the world fear-free. So why are so many of my actions a result of my deep-seated fears? Why do I continue to grant these foolish fears power my life? My fear reflects a clear lack of faith. All too often in the face of life’s seemingly real fears, I succumb, focusing on my fears instead of God’s promises; all too often I allow fear to replace God as the ruler of my life.

So join me as I fully embrace the promises in God’s Word; join me as I join the man who brought his mute son to Jesus in saying, “…I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!” Mark 9:24 (NLT).

Final Thought: 1 John 4:18 says: “Perfect love expels all fear;” so, when I fully embrace God’s perfect love, fear no longer has a place in my life; it’s swept away by God’s all-consuming love.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: Selfishness is insidious and creeps into our lives sometimes without notice.  

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Between the Blogs

Personal Commitment: Sometimes God allows us to experience amazingly clear moments in life—moments when we have the opportunity to see real growth, moments that give us encouragement along the way. So, I am committed to allowing God to continue His work in my life, regardless of how difficult it can be at times.  

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Out with “Me! Me! Me!” (In with Others)

Along the way I’ve discovered that it’s not all about me, it’s all about Jesus and His good work in me.

Sadly, the world (who is ruled by the father of lies) encourages me to make myself happy, nonchalantly disregarding those I might hurt in my quest for self-gratification. But God calls me to help those in need; He assures me that He will satisfy all my needs. And who knows better than God what I need? Who is better equipped than God to satisfy my every need?

In studying the life of Christ, I’m compelled to acknowledge that He lived fully focused on others; in fact, Jesus was a serious radical. With His actions, He said, “You, my lost sheep, are at the very top of my priority list.” Instead of constantly worrying about His own physical needs, Jesus spent His time concerned with the needs of His creations, while fully relying on His Father to fulfill His own personal needs. How much more then should I, as His creation, follow Christ’s perfect example, allowing God to take care of all my needs so I can focus my precious time on helping those around me?

The only way for me to break away from this destructive pattern of self-focus, of me-first thinking, is to fully submit—heart, body, soul, mind, money, relationships,…in short, everything—to God. But, it’s so easy to slip back into the ‘me mode’ enthusiastically marketed by the world around me; however, living for God and others—living outward instead of inward—has eternal rewards. And I’ve discovered that when I’m in full submission to God, my life is full and overflowing with God’s abundant blessings.

So join me as I stop living the selfish, self-centered life held up by this sinful world as the ideal and, instead, follow in the footsteps of Christ: Fully surrendered to God and allowing His love to freely flow through me to those around me.

Final Thought: Why do I spend so much time worrying about me when God has promised to take care of all my needs? And God is never slack concerning His promises.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany:  Book knowledge is helpful, wisdom is beneficial, knowing God is essential.

Between the Blogs

Personal Commitment: Prioritizing people is not simply God’s instruction to us, but it is also the best way to live an abundant, joy-filled life; so I am committed to putting love first in every situation. But the truth is that I am unable to do this on my own, so I’m committed to allowing God to give me a new, tender heart filled with love for my fellow man.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Godly Transformation (The Freedom of Knowing God )

Along the way I’ve discovered an incredible freedom in knowing Who God is; it makes all the difference—it paints every conversation, it guides every belief, it touches every part and piece of my life, and it constantly transforms me. When I discovered God for myself, it changed me from that very moment forward.
Some people, like Saul, can pinpoint the exact moment in their lives when the change happened, but, for me, it’s been a gradual transformation, a soft touch every day, a gradual opening of my eyes, a gentle awakening of my soul—like a lover’s kiss waking me every morning. And the transformation is palpable; I experience it in every part of my life.
Others have recognized this transformation in me as well and, when they see my transformed heart beating with the unchanging, unbound love of God, they begin, sometimes slowly, to recognize that I am no longer the emotional, angry, petty, foolish child I once was, but I am becoming a strong, steady child of God, fully transformed by God’s unrelenting love.
So join me as I continue to embrace the daily transformation God is producing in my life.
Final Thought: When we come into contact with the relentless love of God, we have two options: turn our backs and walk away or stay and become completely transformed.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany:  It’s a relief to know that in this ever-changing world we have a never-changing God.

Between the Blogs

Personal Commitment: Growth sometimes is difficult, but it’s necessary in order to produce good fruit. We, like a tree, must grow and mature before we can produce good fruit; thankfully, God has promised to be our source of spiritual nourishment, giving us the strength to grow and produce beautiful fruit. I am committed to allowing God to do this work in my life, nourishing and strengthening me, producing His good fruit in the right season of my life.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Moving Forward (Putting God in Control)

Along the way I’ve discovered every year has its charms and its challenges, and 2012 was no exception. Looking back, I clearly see, like never before, God’s gentle hand touching and leading my life. While God clearly led me in the past, this past year I’ve been more attune to His blessings and His leading. It is truly amazing how clear it all becomes when I open my eyes and my heart to God.
In the past, I cautiously peered into the upcoming year with a bit of fear, some trepidation, and a lot of determination to make this year better, to accomplish more, and, finally, to do all the things I want to do; but this year I’m laying all that aside and putting God in charge, asking Him to be the sole author of my life—carefully constructing every line and carefully planning each chapter. In the midst of setting goals for the coming year, I’m keeping this reminder at the forefront: My greatest desire is for God to take the lead, opening and closing doors in His perfect timing.
While it’s important to make plans for the future, it’s even more important to remember that my plans are flawed—they are insignificant in the light of God’s perfect plan for me.
So, this year, while I make plans for 2013, reviewing my dreams and setting goals, I’m placing all those plans firmly in the capable hands of my infinite God. If my plans, goals, and dreams are not in keeping with God’s plans, I want Him to sweep them aside, replacing them with His perfect plan.
So, join me as I allow God to be the author of my year, writing this chapter, and all subsequent chapters, of my life to His glory.
Final Thought: As I look back on my life, I realize it isn’t God that changes, it’s me. The beautiful truth is that God never changes, but He promises to make me a new creation—a reflection of Him.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: It’s not enough to ask God to be a part of my life, a part of my year, or even a part of my day; instead, I must invite Him to walk with me every moment. I must invite Him to continually be in control, to drive my every thought, my every word, my every action.

Between the Blogs

Personal Commitment: The beginning of a new year is a good time to consider the course of my life; and, with that in mind, I’m committed to turning my year—and my life—fully and completely over to God, allowing Him to write this, and every subsequent chapter of my life.