Sunday, April 28, 2013

Dispelling the Darkness (Denying Discouragement, Dismissing Depression, Disallowing Despair, and Declining Discontentment)

Along the way I’ve discovered that discouragement is contagious: Like a cold, it’s passed from person to person.
I too feel it, pressing in on all sides, calling me to join the loud, mournful lament. I have every reason to celebrate, every reason to rejoice, every reason to praise God; yet, in these moments, I look around and see others being pressed by the same darkness, the same troubles, the same sorrows; like me, they are allowing the world’s general state of discontentment to act like a joy-devastating disease.
But I don’t have to allow it in! God has already given me victory over the darkness! I simply need to reach out and grasp the waiting hand of God, allowing Him to pull me from the darkness into His joyful light.
The beautiful truth is that God can wash away my sorrow, wiping away my tears, and replace my hurts and pains with joy—and not just when heaven comes, but here and now, today! Sometimes I focus on the fact that God will do all these things when He returns, and He will; however, He wants us to have a more abundant life here and now. If I allow Him, He will give me all this and more—today, and in eternity.
So join me as I continue to remind myself of this beautiful truth: God wants to save me—now; He wants to bless me—now; He wants me to be joyful—now; He wants me to feel His love—now!
Final Thought: When darkness begins pressing in, when depression knocks on your door, when those dark thoughts begin, turn to God, claim His promises, lay that darkness at the feet of God and ask Him to heal your heart.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Between the Blogs

Personal Commitment: I often have to repeat truth to myself again and again until it becomes a permanent part of my heart and mind; so, today, I’m recommitting to full surrender. I’m determined to allow God to continue His revolution in my heart and mind. I’m committed to this beautiful process of transformation.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Revolution of the Heart (Embracing God’s Change Within)

Along the way I’ve discovered that I was built for revolution: a sudden, complete, or marked change in ideology and thought.

We live in an age replete with ‘revolutionary’ thoughts and ideologies that often refuse to take root or come to fruition. Daily, we’re inundated with ‘new ideas’ that are really regurgitated old ideas—great ideas that were once thrown aside as garbage, but are now picked up and held up as new, as revolutionary.

In this barrage, I find myself eagerly grabbing for the next innovation that will change my life—change my world. I demand something better from society, from the government, from my job, from my friends, from my family—I want, want, want…But, all too often, I forget that life is not about getting; it’s about giving.

I’ve become so eager to find something new, something exciting, something life-changing, that I’ve completely lost sight of the true revolution—the revolution of my heart. All real change must start there and that ideology, once deeply rooted, will naturally be expressed in my every action.

My old ideas are no longer useful, my eyes have been opened to their ugly pettiness; and I am ready to make a change. This revolution must start with me. But I can’t do it on my own; I must fully surrender to God, allowing Him to fully transform my heart and mind—completing the revolution within me.

So join me as I stop buying into all the world’s shiny ideas, turning my back on its foolish version of wisdom and instead allow God to give me a new heart and mind—one that seeks only to please Him.

Final Thought:Allowing God to change my heart is the beginning of the revolution; and I’m ready for God’s revolution!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Between the Blogs

Personal Commitment: I am abundantly blessed, but there are still moments when I lose sight of all the blessing and, for just a moment, allow myself to wallow in the small challenges of life. But God wants me to live an abundant joyful life; so I’m committed to continually turning my burdens and challenges over to God, allowing Him to carry those burdens and to work out all the challenges life presents. This is the only way to live the full, abundant life that God promises.