Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Releasing and Reclaiming My Burdens (Finally Breaking the Cycle)

Along the way I’ve come to realize that releasing the concerns, worries, and anxieties about my future is a constant battle.

I’ve learned that when I finally hand my troubles over to God, I instantly I feel light and free. I rejoice in my new found freedom; I dance and laugh, savoring the sheer joy of living burden-free.
Then, in the next moment, my eager fingers desperately grasp for those same concerns, worries, and anxieties. In the midst of my rejoicing I unwittingly reach out to retrieve my troubles; only one or two at first, then a few more, then a few more then, before I know it, I’ve completely ceased my dancing and become fully engrossed with the burdensome task of tallying my troubles. Like a conscientious accountant I diligently add them all up to be sure I have reclaimed each and every one of them. I carefully gather them like treasures, hording them, packing them back into my heavy, overstuffed bag.

Then when my burdens once again become too much and I can no longer carry them, I cry out: God, why is this so hard? Why is my life so burdensome? In that dark moment of  desperation when all seems lost, when I realize I can no longer shoulder my troubles alone, I once again release my anxieties, giving them to God—instant FREEDOM! The celebration, the dancing, the joy….Then, in the next moment, my greedy little fingers reach out to reclaim that backpack of pain….

This cycle rages on with me continually asking myself: Why is this so difficult? Why is it so hard to let go? Why do I stubbornly determined to do this on my own?  Why?

So join me as I break this vicious cycle, fighting the fierce battle of dependence—dependence on my burdens. Join me as I take time each morning to turn my concerns, worries, and anxieties over to God, daily placing my life in His hands. Join me as I celebrate my freedom!

Final Thought: Releasing my heavy burden of pain, guilt, doubt, worry, and anxiety is a battle that I can win by daily placing my life in the strong, loving hands of God.

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