Monday, August 22, 2011

Building Strong Communities (Loving My Neighbor)

Along the way I’ve discovered that if I follow God’s Ten Love Laws they will assist me in cultivating eternal relationships and guide me on my quest for a more joyful life. I’ve also discovered that one of my deepest needs is the need for community.

In the past I’ve been deeply hurt by broken relationships in my life, relationships with my friends, my family, my co-workers, and my neighbors. Sadly, I’ve also been guilty of being the force that breaks apart the relationships in my life.

I’ve discovered that when I allow myself to begin picking apart those around me—finding fault in the things they do, looking for their failings, and pointing out their blemishes—I begin a vicious cycle of faultfinding and nitpicking that tears at the heart of the relationship, eventually completely destroying it.

Instead of tearing people down, God calls me (in commandments six, eight, and nine) to build strong communities by pouring out His unrelenting love on my neighbors. When I love my neighbors, taking Jesus’ advice of refusing to even get angry with them, when I refrain from lying about them, or stealing from them, it’s then that I begin building rich, full relationships that are the rock-solid foundation for a strong, vital community.

So join me as I allow God to heal the relationships in my life, restoring the community I so desperately desire—the community I was created for.

Final Thought: When the relationships in my life go smoothly, I live a richer, more abundant, more joyful life.

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