Thursday, August 18, 2011

Defining My Neighbor (Building a Lasting Community)

Along the way I’ve discovered that if I follow God’s Ten Love Laws they will assist me in cultivating eternal relationships and guide me on my quest for a more joyful life. I’ve also discovered that one of my deepest needs is the need for community.

God created us for community. In recognition of this, and as a guideline for more joyful community living, He gave us the last six commandments. (Specifically, commandments six, eight, and nine give us godly instructions on how to properly treat our neighbors in order to build a strong, healthy, lasting community.)

For me, my neighbors aren’t just the people who live in the house next to me; my neighbors include my my boss, co-workers, the guy I meet on the bike path, the lady who cleans the public restroom, my best friend, my worst enemy—literally everyone I come into contact with throughout the day. This includes the guy who cuts me off in traffic, the woman in the express lane at the grocery store with an overflowing shopping cart, the negative nelly who can’t find anything good to say about anyone, and the woman at work who loves spreading rumors about me. All of these individuals make up my community.

In order to create a strong, healthy, lasting community I must find a way to get along with everyone I come into contact with. So join me as I determine to follow God’s loving instructions, and instead of lying about, stealing from, getting angry at, or otherwise hurting those around me, I chose to focus on the good in others, allowing God to fill my life with a divine love that I can in turn pour out on those around me.

Final Thought: Building a strong community can only happen when I stop focusing on the self-important “I” and start focusing on the all-powerful Him.

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