Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dimming the Din (Seeking the Silence)

Along the way I’ve spent many hours in deep contemplation of God, the mysteries of eternity, the deep, fathomless universe, and the whispers of an all-powerful Creator to the hearts of His children.
I used to hear people talking about their conversations with God, the certainty of His leading in their lives, and the deep impressions they received from the Holy Spirit; and I would wonder why not me?  Why is His voice silent? Why doesn’t God speak to me? Why can’t I hear Him?
In my despair, I cried out to God, begging, pleading, demanding that He speak to me. Yet, only silence greeted my ranting—a deep silence that seemed to mock me. Instead of living patiently in the silence, I turned back to the deafening sounds of this world: the radio, the phone, the television, the computer…and I wondered why God didn’t answer my desperate pleas.
I discovered that the tangled jungle of my mind did not allow silence; its constant murmurings drowned out God’s still, small voice.  I had to learn to turn from the deafening shouts of a desperate world and allow deep silence to enfold me. Only then was I finally able hear the Holy Spirit whispering to my silent soul.
So join me on this joyful and peaceful journey as God teaches me patience and a profound appreciation for the deep, satisfying silence—the silence where heaven touches earth.

Naked and Vulnerable (Thoughts from the Pot): God’s voice can best be heard when we are absolutely still; when we quiet our souls completely and listen intently to the deep silence.

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