Monday, March 11, 2013

Pursuing My Passion (Seeking My Savior)

Along the way I’ve realized that the ultimate prize is a strong, thriving relationship with God—an intimate, tangible, personal relationship with my Creator. That’s the pearl of great price.
I’ve discovered that my life is fraught with ‘important’ things that distract me from my true purpose. Daily the world puts a million ‘important’ tasks in my path—pushing, shoving, dragging me away from the real goal: a beautiful relationship with my Savior Jesus.
The axiom of the age is this: Find something you’re passionate about and pursue it with every ounce of your being; don’t let anything keep you from pursuing the things and the people you zealously love. And I wholeheartedly agree with this movement; and, in alignment with these sentiments, I’m determined to pursue God exactly like that: relentlessly!
Sadly, when I honestly examine my life, I’m forced to admit my actions do not always reflect my desire to pursue God relentlessly—the things I chase are not always those things that build and strengthen my relationship with God.
My prayer is that God will give me a heart like David, a man who passionately pursued God, tenaciously sought a relationship with Him—putting this one thing above all else.
So join me as I use King David as an example and relentlessly pursue the thing my heart most desires: an eternal relationship with God.
Final Thought: The ultimate prize is not eternal life; the ultimate prize is an eternal relationship with God.

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