Saturday, February 12, 2011

Seeking Perspective (A God’s-eye View)

Along the way I’ve discovered that occasionally I need to reprogram my thinking in order to prepare my heart to forgive. I begin each reprogramming session with prayer, earnestly asking God for a large serving of discernment and a double portion of grace.

Analyzing people’s actions and exploring possible motives for their behavior mentally assists me in the reprogramming process; then assigning the best possible motive to their actions allows my future interactions to be fueled by love. While this may not reflect their actual motivations, this process allows me to work through my anger, preparing my heart to forgive.
For me it comes down to how I view people. I can choose to view them through the dark glasses of hate and anger or I can choose to view them through the rose-colored glasses of compassion and love—I choose love.
Some call me an eternal optimist, and I embrace that. My greatest desire is to live in eternity where love and kindness flow like a fine, full-bodied wine—its sweet bouquet leaving me heady and exhilarated.
So join me as I prayerfully ask God to not only prepare my heart to forgive others, but also to see them through His eyes, because only then can I truly embrace this joyful journey.

Naked and Vulnerable (Thoughts from the Pot): While we can’t control what others do, we can control how we interpret their actions.

1 comment:

  1. I love your post, many good and inspiring articles to read May God bless you. Please follow my blod and help me to get it up and running I will love you for it in Jesus name.
