Sunday, January 23, 2011

Craving Connections (Stepping Forward)

Along the way I’ve been awash with deep fear—a fear of making true connections. I nursed that fear, using it as the cornerstone to build a fortress around my heart—carefully crafting stones of anger and frustration to fill in the gaps. Still, I was engulfed by an aching desire to honestly and deeply connect. But my fear-fueled wall-building continued, keeping me from the one thing I desired most—connections.
In my emptiness I reached out, touching others with my heavy hand of anger, my fiery tongue of frustration, and the full body of my hate. I was desperately reaching out to make some kind of connection. I believed that relationships filled with anger and hate were far better than isolation.

The truth is, no amount of anger, frustration, hate, money, possessions, intelligence, or even knowledge can truly satisfy our God-created craving to connect.

So join me on my joyfully journey as I courageously set aside my fear. Then I can begin creating deep, meaningful connections by reaching out to my husband, my sisters, my parents, my coworkers, my neighbors, and to the stranger standing next to me in the checkout line.

Naked and Vulnerable (Thoughts from the Pot): God created within each of us a profound yearning to be connected to Him.

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