Saturday, December 8, 2012

An Ever-Patient Teacher (Lessons in Humility)

Along the way I’ve learned that God is a patient teacher. He will, if necessary, repeat lessons in my life again, and again, and again, and again, until I finally learn, until, with His help I completely turn my back on that particular temptation. Sadly, sometimes the process of uprooting a specific sin is the pursuit of a lifetime; but, faithful to His ever-patient nature, God never stops working in me—He never gives up on me.

Recently, humility has been a repeating lesson in my life, repeating to the point that it has become abundantly clear that I still have a lot to learn on this subject.

Looking back at my life, I find it strange that this is a lesson I need to learn. The truth is that God has led me far from the frightened, angry, little girl I once was—a girl who was completely convinced of her unworthiness. But, walking closely with Him has taught me to be a confident woman, sure of my place in the family of God.

However, I must confess that often I find myself feeling just a bit superior to those who haven’t yet come as far as I have. And this has led me to the discovery that if I focus on myself and my accomplishments instead of God, overcoming self-doubt can quickly be followed by the need for a series of lessons in humility.

Thankfully, God is a patient teacher—One Who, if I allow Him, will uproot every single sin in my life, even those secretly cherished sins. And, while the process can be painful and sometimes difficult, the results are always worth it—always!

So join me as I ask God to continue to teach me to walk in His ways (even if I have to repeat a grade or two along the way).

Final Thought: When I focus solely on my own talents and skills, looking for ways to exalt myself instead of using my God-given talents to build others up and to point them to Him, I find myself in need of a series of lessons in humility; I find myself in need of a reminder that it’s not all about me, but Him.

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