Personal Epiphany: When I reflect on God’s promise that He has plans for me, plans to prosper me and not to harm me, I often forget that they are His plans and not mine.
This blog is an attempt: To distill my journey; to pull out the golden nuggets from everyday life; to draw something meaningful from mundane occurrences, from exotic adventures, and from solitary moments in the bathroom when all is quiet, and in that moment it’s just me and my Creator immersed in silent communication—me on my throne and Him on His. So, if you dare, join me on this joyful journey of self-discovery and intentional, joy-infused worship.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Between the Blogs
Quick Quote: If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness and fears. ~Cesare Pavese
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Following Christ (Forsaking Self)
Along the way I’ve discovered that it isn’t all about me (or at least it shouldn’t be).
In the past couple of years I’ve been on a journey of self discovery; I have been seeking that one thing that fulfills me, that one thing that will give my life purpose, that one thing that I can accomplish, that one thing that I can excel at, that one thing that I, I, I ….
One day as I stopped to examine my journey I realized that it was overflowing with “I” and that it was not filled with Him.
During this journey my prayers sounded something like this: God lead me to something that will be fulfilling. I know You have a plan for my life, so please reveal it to me. Show me something that I can excel at, something that I can accomplish for You, something that I, I, I….
One day God stopped me in the midst of my prayer and said, “I am that I am. I am fulfilling, fully and completely, without anything more. I am enough for you.”
It was then that I realized that if I don’t look to God I become completely wrapped up in self, my vision becomes so inwardly focused that I can no longer see Him.
I’m still working out what it looks like to follow Christ fully, to completely leave my old self behind. I’m still discovering the new heart, the new spirit, and the new person God is creating in me. So join me on this joyful journey as I daily put God first in my life by allowing Him will to lead me and by recognizing that He is enough for me.
Naked and Vulnerable (Thoughts from the Pot): When I looked for God’s plans for my life by taking a journey of self discovery, I discovered exactly what I was looking for—myself instead of God.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Between the Blogs
Quick Quote: “It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable.” ~Molière
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Checking the Baggage (Burying the Biases)
Along the way I’ve discovered that I’m the one who decides how others’ actions will affect me.
Unfortunately, I bring suitcases loaded down with my issues, experiences, thoughts, and feelings to each circumstance. At every encounter, I open the suitcases and drag out every single item before I determine how I’ll react to each situation.
I meticulously sort through the years of baggage (that I conveniently brought), and then use its contents to carefully pick out the “perfect” outfit and dress the situation up in it. This well-intentioned ritual helps me to explain the intentions of those around me. Unfortunately these biases often cause me to dress a bad situation in a tuxedo or a celebration in rags—thus arriving at inaccurate conclusions.
If I am not deliberate in my choosing, if I don’t find a way to set aside my biases, I may inadvertently put on the wrong outfit and thus be inappropriately dressed for the banquet, the hike, the wedding, the fight…
Relying on my own interpretation significantly decreases my odds of doing the right thing. Thankfully God knows the heart—mine and the other persons’. I can fully rely on Him to guide me to the right conclusions and to take the right actions.
So join me as I dump my baggage and step out into the world, allowing God’s light to illuminate the dark corners of every situation I encounter; join me as I allow Him to guide me to the right conclusions, and then to the right actions.
Naked and Vulnerable (Thoughts from the Pot): Why haul your heavy baggage through life when you could turn it all over to God?
Friday, April 15, 2011
Between the Blogs
Bible Blessings: “Why do you focus on your friend’s tiny mistakes when you should be focusing on the huge blunders in your own life? How can you try to remove a small speck from your friend’s eye when you’re blinded by that big stick lodged in your own eye?” ~Matthew 7:3-4 (Randy Reed Paraphrased Version)©
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Between the Blogs
Quick Quote: We judge others by their behavior. We judge ourselves by our intentions. ~Ian Percy
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Between the Blogs
Personal Epiphany: Many heinous acts are empty roars of desperation springing from the depths of lonely, aching hearts.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Personal Testimony (Powerful Proof)
Along the way I’ve learned that the strongest argument I can make for Christ is my own personal testimony. Sharing the story of what God did in my life, the amazing changes He’s wrought, and the peace and joy I now enjoy is the most powerful proof I can present that Jesus is real.
I can preach about the Bible, about God, or about His awesome grace and forgiveness until I’m blue in the face, but the best way to tell Christ’s story is to share how knowing Him has transformed my life.
We are not all called to debate the intellectual facts with atheists, agnostics, or other non-believers like Paul, but every Christian can speak honestly and truthfully about his or her personal transformation. Non-believers may argue about evolution, spirituality, or even the very existence of God, but they simply cannot argue with your personal testimony.
So join me as I speak boldly about the transformation taking place within me, as my heart dances in celebration of my new life in Christ. Join me on this truly joyful journey!
Naked and Vulnerable (Thoughts from the Pot): The most beautiful testimony is a life lived in Christ, a life transformed by the powerful love of God.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Between the Blogs
Quick Quote: God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” ~C.S. Lewis
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Hearing God’s Will (Learning to Listen)
Along the way I’ve discovered that listening is most effective when we are able to endure the long silence that comes before deep revelations.
I spent most of my life frustrated by God's profound silence. I cried out asking Him to speak to me, to show me His way. But the truth is I wasn’t listening.
One day, while riding my bike to work and praying, all the normal distractions were set aside. It was just me, God, and the whispering wind, and I finally heard it. Of course it wasn’t an audible voice. Instead it was a silent whisper to my heart. And at that moment I knew a peace like I’d never known. I knew God had plans for me. That morning I turned my day over to Him, and the next day, and the next…
After I finally started listening, God showed me His will in many ways. I slowly began to recognize His voice in other areas of my life. Sometimes I heard His voice in a song on the radio, sometimes in the words of a friend, sometimes in a quieting of my soul. Once I began to listen, I recognized His voice, and it constantly surrounded me.
So join me on my joyful journey as I continue to listen for God’s voice allowing His Word to saturate my soul until I know Him so well that, like a friend, I immediately recognize His sweet voice.
Naked and Vulnerable (Thoughts from the Pot): Learning only happens when we are silent—when we honestly listen.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Between the Blogs (Poetry By Trena)
My despondent cries spew into darkness
My frantic voice vanishes into a vast void
Silent screams echo through my aching soul
Deep doubts reverberate in my trembling heart
Are You there?
Are You listening?
Do You hear me?
A myriad of haunting questions plague my troubled mind
The world offers only empty solutions
Countless lips roar disjointed answers
Jumbled messages engulf my weary ears
You are lost in the deafening chaos
In despair I cry out a wretched prayer for guidance
I yearn for the clamor to be silenced
I strain to hear Your still, small voice
Have I forgotten how to listen?
Your unmistakable words speak clearly to others
Your truth eagerly resonates in their listening ears
Does my frenzied, hectic life silence Your voice?
Maybe, I don’t know how to listen
I cry out in anguish
My throat is raw from mournful wailings
Do the screams of my heart drown You out?
Why can’t I hear You?
Even the animals hear and obey You
Yet I don’t recognize the sound of Your voice
You thunder in the darkness as I slumber
I rail against my sleeping ears
I long to know Your plan for my life
I call out to You in desperation
Teach me to be still and know You are God
Teach me how to listen
Copyright © 2008 Randy & Trena Reed
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