Sunday, December 18, 2011

Recognizing the Pain (Responding in Love)

Along the way I’ve discovered that too often I am like a small child, unable to properly express my hurt and frustration, so I throw myself into life, crying, screaming, yelling, weeping, lashing out at anything close, begging someone to recognize and understand my pain.

In the past, I lashed out against the pain and unintentionally hurt those around me; but once I recognized the signs of pain in myself, that desperate cry for attention, I was able to see other’s angry words for what they really were—a cry for help. Only once I stopped viewing their pain as the truth about me, something to internalize, and saw it for what it really was, a cry of help, was I finally able to separate the words from the emotions.

It was then that the world’s angry words finally lost their power to hurt me. It was in the silence beyond those desperate cries for help that I found the truth about myself, not in what my parents said about me, not in what my co-workers said about me, not in what my friends or my pastor or my husband said about me; but instead in what God said about me: You are my masterpiece, Trena. I created you and I love you.

Once I realized that genuine freedom lies in recognizing the beautiful truth of God’s words, once I embraced His truth about me, the opinions of this fickle world lost their power. I was able to step away from my doubts about myself and see the motivations behind the angry, hurtful words the world often hurled at me. Only then was I able to embrace those who tried to hurt me, to love them despite the cutting words they spoke in anger.

This brought me to the realization that the love of God has transformative power; it can turn anger into laughter and tears into joy. And despite the fact that those who once hurt me have changed but little, the change in me is dramatic; God has replaced my former heart of stone with a new tender heart, one that recognizes the world’s desperation and responds in love.

So join me as I ask God, not to change those in my life, but instead to transform me, thus releasing me from the world’s wearisome chains of anger and hate.

Final Thought: It is only the love of God living in me that releases me from the burden of other’s hurtful words and actions.

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: My pain does not give me carte blanche to inflict on the world the poison of my hurt, frustration, and unchecked rage.

Between the Blogs

Personal Challenge: My pains in life do not give me a free reign to lash out against those around me; they should instead give me empathy to understand other’s pain and allow me to recognize the symptoms of pain in those around me. So I’m challenging myself to give my pain over to God and to allow the pains of my past to help me empathize and connect with people instead of lashing out against them.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Trading in My Brokenness (Finding A Better Way)

Along the way I’ve discovered that each of us bear the scars of this world’s brokenness, deep wounds only God can heal. Recognizing the pain and suffering around me has opened my eyes, allowing me to see the hurt in others as the source of their anger and hate, giving me the opportunity to acknowledge that my own damage often clouds my judgment. This truth allows me to look past the hurt and pain inflicted by a sin-filled world and view others through the eyes of God’s love.

When I use my own broken life as a lens to view the world, my brokenness causes me to lash out at those around me. And, if I refuse to replace my “truth” with God’s Truth, I begin to expect pain and hurt, inviting it into my life and allowing it to become my new status quo—a dark and dangerous precedent.

Thankfully God has provided a better way. He invites me, no beseeches me to release my heavy burdens of pain and anguish, to give them to Him and to allow Him to restore my sight—giving me a new way of seeing the world.

Now, by using His corrective lenses, I recognize the hurt that causes that man to yell at his wife, the pain that causes my co-worker to retaliate against me, the anguish that puts those angry words in the mouth of the driver beside me, and the sorrow that encompasses the lives all around me. With God’s help, I can finally recognize that it is our brokenness that causes us to lash out against the world, hoping someone will notice our pain and do something to correct it.

So join me as I ask God to give me a new and tender heart, one that sees with the eyes of love and understanding instead of the eyes of selfishness and pain.

Final Thought: The truth is often veiled behind heavy curtains of pain and disappointment that we never bother to pull aside.

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: Happiness is a choice.

Between the Blogs

Personal Challenge: With the myriad of choices available in this commercial-driven world, I am determined to choose Christ and Christ alone.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Choices (My Way or the Most High’s Way)

Along the way I’ve discovered that one of the things in life I have in abundance is choices. I can choose what time I get up; what to wear; how to wear my hair; how I greet people; if I smile, laugh, or frown; when I stand up; when I sit down; but most importantly, I can choose how I react to each situation in my life.

Most situations are a direct result of my choices (good or bad), but even in situations outside of my control I still have the opportunity to choose how I respond. I’ve discovered that it is this response that reveals my character, presenting opportunities for growth and development.

My bad choices often lead me to uncomfortable situations, but even in those difficult moments I still have an opportunity to choose to continue down the wrong road or to seize the opportunity to learn from my mistakes, thus paving the road to better choices in my future.

Even with this knowledge, my bad choices seem to come fast and furious, and despite my attitude of learning, I often find myself making the same mistakes over and over—always resulting in the same bad situations.

But there is good news. I am not alone and adrift, destine to continually repeat the mistakes of my past, because God promised to make me a new creation, replacing my heart of stone with a heart willing to serve Him—a heart ready to embrace good choices.

Thankfully, I serve a God Who not only forgives my mistakes, but gives me the power to reclaim my life. He leads me away from the mistakes of my dark, hurtful past, guiding me into the light of an eternal future with Him, a future filled with good choices—the most important of which is the choice to serve Him in all I do.

So join me as I turn my past over to God and allow Him to lead me into my future. Join me as I choose to follow His will instead of mine. Join me as I realize that only when I follow God’s path for me can I truly blossom into the person He created me to be.

Final Thought: Choices are golden opportunities for me to grab God’s hand, allowing Him to lead my life into eternal joy.

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: Singing sincere songs of praise can soothe even the most troubled heart.

Between the Blogs

Personal Challenge: I’m determined to spend more time counting my blessings and less time counting my worries.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

A New Focus (Praises Not Problems)

Along the way I’ve discovered that prayers of praise lift me up and remind me of God’s abundant blessings. Unfortunately, my recent prayers have reverted to asking, begging, complaining, and whining about all the things I want or need. But on further consideration, I’ve come to realize that this is not the intent of prayer; instead, prayer should be a constant conversation filled with praise and gratitude for God’s daily blessings.

While I truly believe that God wants to hear our concerns as much as our praises, I’ve noticed recently that my complaints have outweighed my praises. I find that when I stop counting my blessings, focusing instead on my problems, I begin to sink like Peter on the Sea of Galilee. When I take my eyes off the blessings (and the God Who pours them out), I begin to sink under my heavy burdens—the very burdens I once gave to Him, but have now taken back onto my own shoulders.

Knowing this, I’m determined to place new prayers on my lips, prayers of thanksgiving and praise, prayers that remind me of the blessings instead of focusing on the burdens God has already taken from me.

So join me as I give all the glory to God for his abundant blessings, especially the blessing of bearing my heavy burdens.

Final Thought: A good way to put my troubles into perspective is to focus on my blessings.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Challenge: Starting now, I’m challenging myself to spend time every day being thankful to God for the beauty and wonder He puts in my life. Today, I’m thankful for warm sunshine and tall prairie grasses.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Facing Failure (Redefining Success)

Along the way I’ve discovered that trying and failing is better than not trying at all. This has been an arduous lesson, taking years to learn—and I have many years of inaction as proof. You see, my head is filled with ideas and dreams that I stubbornly refuse to try because I’m too afraid to face the possibility of failing. In my single-minded thinking, I assume once I’ve tried something and failed, that’s the end; no replay, no try again, no getting up—that dream’s dead.

I recognize how silly that sounds, but in the past the fear of failure has held me so firmly in its grip that I clutched desperately to my fist-full of unfulfilled dreams, erroneously believing that dreaming was true living. But recently, I’ve discovered it’s not enough to simply dream. Doing something is more fulfilling than sitting on my hands. Trying and failing is far better than simply giving in to the persistent cacophony of ever-nagging “what ifs?”

And I have failed again and again and again and again…But the truth is that the joy really is in the journey; and sometimes at the end of the day, failure and success look very much alike. You see, it’s not in the success or failure, but instead it’s in the starting, the pushing through, and the finishing that true learning happens.

Sadly, this truth does not always keep me from sitting firmly on those long cherished dreams because, if I’m completely honest with myself, the fear of failure still continues to haunt me. That’s where God’s love comes in. It’s in those dark moments, the ones where I’ve completely and miserably failed, that I can still lift my head high and revel in the realization that nothing I do can change God’s love for me—nothing.

What a wonderful revelation! The God Who created the universe cares for me regardless of my failure or success; and when it’s all said and done, the only thing He requires of me is to turn my shattered life fully over to Him. Now that’s success!

So join me as I face my fears and try things that scare me, as I finally give wings to my dust-covered dreams. Join me as I surrender myself fully to God, allowing Him to be the author of my life. Join me as I ask Him to write the best storybook ending of all-time—eternity with Him.

Final Thought: A completely successful life is a life completely surrendered to Christ.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: When I focus fully on Christ, allowing Him to take control of my life, He is always faithful to show me the right way and releasing me from all my foolish fears.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Challenge: In the past I have been guilty of allowing fear to drive my life, but as I grow in my relationship with God, it has become abundantly clear that His plans for me do not include fear; quite the opposite, in fact: God longs to release me from the fears in my life—the fears that hold me back. So I am challenging myself to exercise my faith, to release my fears, and to rest in the confidence that I am safe and secure in the strong, loving arms of God.

Fostering Faith (Forsaking Fear)

Along the way I’ve discovered that even after everything God has done in my life, I still have fears that keep me from stepping out in faith. Fears that often paralyzes me. Fear that I’ll do the wrong thing. Fear that I’ll wander down the wrong path. Fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of ridicule, fear of fear itself.

Faith, on the other hand, is the exact ...opposite of fear. Faith is trusting God; trusting Him to pick me up when I fall, trusting Him to make my path clear, trusting Him to be bigger than my many shortcomings, trusting Him to shower me with His unfailing love, trusting Him—period.

Unfortunately, my lack of trust often restricts God’s ability to work in my life, giving Him a narrow window of opportunity. Thankfully, God takes advantage of every opportunity to restore His people to Himself, and in spite of my fear and trepidation, God continues to use me for His purposes. This beautiful truth provides me a glimmer of hope, a tiny glimpse of the eternal picture God is painting on the canvas of time.

You see, God uses the successes in my life to build my faith, and as He continues to reveal Himself as faithful and trustworthy in my life, my faith continues to grow stronger and stronger. My daily prayer is that when God asks me to go—regardless of the direction—I, like Peter, will face my fears and boldly step out on the water.

So join me as I determine to set aside my fears and fully trust God to guide my life, recognizing that His plans for me are far greater than mine.

Final Thought: When I focus fully on Christ, allowing Him to take control of my life, He is always faithful to show me the right way, leading me to the places He needs me most.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Challenge: In the past few weeks I’ve been doing a whole lot of listening to the world’s definition of success, and I’ve allowed these false ideas to draw me away from my true mission; I’ve allowed them to enter into my life to the point where they’ve begun to distort my dreams, to derail my goals, to destroy who I want to be—who God wants me to be.

So today I’m challenging myself to remember the message God whispered to my heart a few short months ago, a message of peace and assurance, a message of abundant love, a message that keeps me focused on what’s really important, a message I need to be reminded of every day; that simple message that God whispered to my soul: “I am enough.”

So with this reminder in my heart I am determined to allow this message to reshape my life, to penetrate my being and to permeate my every action. I am going to return my focus fully to God, allowing Him and Him alone to direct my path, because the path God has for me is my only path to true, sustainable joy.

Between the Blogs

Question to Ponder: Why do you let your faith lay limp and stubbornly insist on carrying your own heavy burdens of guilt and pain?

Trading Problems for Peace (A Proposal of Praise)

Along the way I’ve discovered that my life is often plagued with repeating themes—themes of fear, discouragement, uncertainty, doubt, and worry. Although I normally live a very joyful life, too often, I entertain the dark whispers of discontentment, allowing them to float into my life and stay awhile.

For me, there is a persistent battle between giving it to God and doggedly clinging to my fear, discouragement, uncertainty, doubt, and worry; I grasp for them, clutching them tightly as I would priceless treasures. I often enter into a circular and unproductive stream of conversation with God about these difficulties. I am a strong believer in the idea of praying without ceasing; however, recently, I’ve pondered the idea that perhaps it is the incessant dwelling on, the continual thinking about, and the endless discussion of these feelings that gives them power in my life.

There is no doubt that God wants me to bring everything to Him in prayer; but once I have turned my troubles over to Him, shouldn’t I then return my conversation to joy-filled praises? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting that we should stop talking with God about our concerns. Instead, what I’m proposing is that we turn those heavy burdens over to Him, giving Him permission to remove them from our fragile shoulders, allowing Him to carry them, and firmly resolving not to snatch back those things we so recently released. I’m suggesting that we give our fear, discouragement, uncertainty, doubt, and worry to God and let Him keep them.

I am once again reminded of Paul’s instructions in Philippians regarding the things I should dwell on. Paul doesn’t say I should dwell on fear, pain, frustration, discouragement, uncertainty, doubt, or worry; instead, he says: “Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise” Philippians 4:8 (NLT).

So join me as I stop having the same unproductive conversations with God and determine instead to turn all my burdens over to Him, allowing Him to carry them. Join me as I resolve to place each of my burdens firmly on God’s broad shoulders—and leave them there. Join me as I allow God to carry—and keep—these burdens, as I begin each day with that sweet release, as I spend the rest of my day deliberately and intentionally focusing on the beauty God has placed all around me.

Final Thought: It is only when I fully release my burdens to God that I am free to fully embrace the life He has planned for me.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: Few things have the power to lift my flagging spirits like participating in authentic, joyful worship through music.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Challenge: This week I am challenging myself to spend time every day reminding myself of my wonders of God— meditating on His incomprehensible love, contemplating His awesome glory, basking in His unmerited grace, and recounting the many miracles He has wrought in my life. I’m determined to find time every day to simply worship Him.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Made for Worship (Connecting with My Creator)

Along the way I’ve discovered that my soul was made for worship. In the past I only saw worship as a way to give something back to God. I knew God loves to hear the sound of our heartfelt worship, and that through worship we returned the glory to where it belonged—God.

Now don’t get me wrong, these are very good (and biblical) reasons for worship. But, recently, it’s been my experience that worship also impacts me, speaking to my heart, lifting my spirit, bringing me joy, turning my focus to the Source of my Strength, and drawing me—heart and soul—to the very throne of God. Worship is a powerful way to open the lines of communication with my God.

I’ve discovered that, as with most things God asks of us, worship helps me more than it helps Him. My relationship with God is significantly enhanced by my sincere and authentic worship. The very act of worship reminds me of my place in the universe, the place that I belong—prostrate before the throne of God.

So join me as I throw back my head and worship with reckless abandon, joyfully engaging in a dialogue of the heart—a deep, meaningful conversation with my loving Creator.

Final Thought: Beginning church with songs of worship and praise is an invitation for God to connect with us; it prepares our hearts and minds for a life-changing exchange between heaven and earth.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: A man determined to cherish evil must be very careful about doing any type of good, even for his own personal gain, because often the very act of doing good produces positive changes in his character, and, if continued, may eventually lead to the reckless abandonment of the very evil he once cherished.

Between the Blogs

Personal Challenge: It is a constant struggle for me to set my priorities and focus on the most important thing in my life—my relationship with God. So, this week, I’m challenging myself to find a way to use my time more wisely, to set my focus on the eternal, and to put God back where He belongs—at the center of my life.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Between the Blogs

Question to Ponder: Are your priorities leading you to temporal or eternal treasures?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Created for Joy (Living God’s Way)

Along the way I’ve discovered that living in Christ is living in joy. We were created for happiness, for laughter, for singing, for dancing—for joy!

Too often I allow the world to close in around me. Too often I allow the darkness to start pressing in, squeezing out the light, threatening to swallow my joy. Too often I allow the burdens of life to drag me down the path of despair.

These moments are a painful reminder that I, once again, need to turn my burdens over to the strong, broad shoulders of the only One Who can handle it all—God.

Once I’ve released my burdens, God whispers joy’s true melody to my heart, reminding me of this powerful truth: The constant taking—the building up of stuff (useless junk); the piling up of fake, frilly friends; the constant attempt to pretty-up of my sad, soiled life—does not lead to true, sustainable joy. Instead, the road to eternal joy lies in the building of genuine community; participating in honest, heartfelt fellowship; the growing of deep, lasting friendships; fulfilling God’s purpose for my life; and, most importantly, the continual building and strengthening of an eternal relationship with my ever-faithful God. These are the true cries of our desperate souls. These are the source of sustained joy. These are the true treasures of life.

So join me as turn from the barren promises offered by a desperate world and turn to the true source of sustainable joy—God.

Final Thought: Laughter matters! Living devoid of laughter and genuine joy is not truly living.

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: The mind is the engine of life, propelling us toward our ultimate destination by the power of our thoughts.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Challenge: My focus is notorious for wandering, and with all the distractions this world has to offer it is very easy for me to wander down the wrong path. So this week I’m challenging myself to prioritize the things in my life in order to minimize the distractions and keep my focus where it ought to be—on God. I am determined to guard what I put in my mind and pay more attention to what I think about, look at, read, watch, and dwell on. I am determined to be more conscientious about those things that I allow into my life.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Between the Blogs

Question to Ponder: Are you properly prioritizing your life—thinking about, looking at, reading, dwelling on, and making your sole focus only those things that point you toward God?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Dwelling on God (Wrangling My Wandering Mind)

Along the way God has revealed this simple truth to me: When I allow my mind to wander into dim, shadowy territories, I open myself up to the tempter’s sharp arrows. When I give my mind free reign, it often wanders down the dark path of selfishness and sin; and inevitably, my lips and limbs respond in kind.

Thankfully, this is also true of the God-things. If I allow God to guide me into His gloriously green pastures, He will continually fill my mind with abundant thoughts of His unfailing love. These thoughts, if allowed to grow to maturity, will be manifested in my life as the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (see Galatians 5:22-23).

The human brain is a powerful tool created by an all-knowing God, a God who created mind power to be the force behind all of our actions. Thankfully, He didn’t leave us to wonder what we should focus on; no, He graciously provides a guide to God-minded thinking—The Bible. If we fully immerse ourselves in the beautiful things of God, He will create a new heart within us. Then with our new, soft God-heart as our guide, our actions will reflect the change deep inside.

We must constantly guard our thoughts to avoid being drawn back onto the dark path of selfishness and sin. That’s why Paul gives us this recommendation: “Here’s how to really live: Focus your thoughts on all that’s true—all that’s morally and spiritual sound. Fill your minds with a deep reverence for everything that’s good, dwelling only on things that are pure, honest, noble, holy, beautiful, kind, generous, and loving. Don’t ever stop thinking about the things that cause you to focus on—and to praise—your Creator” Philippians 4:8 (Randy Reed Paraphrased Version).

So join me as I turn my thoughts to the beautiful things of God, allowing Him to refocus me in the right direction, thus producing the good fruits He promised.

Final Thought: The saying and the doing follow the thinking.

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: I’m strongest when I admit my weakness and fully embrace God’s perfect strength.

Between the Blogs

Personal Challenge: I am challenging myself to stop focusing on this disposable life—filled with perishable worries and passing concerns—and instead focus on God’s eternal promise to create in me a clean heart filled with a desire to obey Him for all eternity.

Between the Blogs

Question to Ponder: What is stopping you from stepping out in faith, from placing your full weight firmly on the broad shoulders of the Creator of the universe?

Admitting My Weakness (Accepting God’s Strength)

Along the way I’ve discovered the desert of uncertainty holds immense faith-growing potential, and when I humbly admit my lost state, I give God permission to work powerfully in my life to His glory.

2 Corinthians 12:9 says: “Each time he [the Lord] said, ‘My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.’ So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me” (NLT).

Story after story in the Bible shows God bringing people to a place of complete vulnerability so He can be glorified—look at the stories of Joseph, Moses, Gideon, Sampson, and Paul (to name but a few). These stories give me hope in dark times—times of uncertainty and wilderness wandering.

Time and time again God has powerfully revealed His strength in humanity’s weakness. So, walking in the footsteps of these pillars of weakness, instead of trying to find all the answers or attempting to decipher His thoughts and plans, I’m going to put my faith into practice, placing my trust fully in God, embracing the words from one of my favorite songs: “If You say ‘Go,’ I will go. If You say, ‘Wait,’ I will wait. If You say, ‘Step out on the water,’ and they say it can’t be done, I’ll fix my eyes on You and I will go.”

So join me as I step out in faith, allowing God to work in my life—in His time and on His terms. Join me as I admit my weakness and embrace the unknown—giving God full permission to work in my life to His glory!

Final Thought: Sometimes the best place to start is a place filled with unanswered questions, humbly admitting you don’t have the answers. In this seemingly deserted place, the possibilities for God to work are truly limitless.

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: The pain of the present is fleeting, but joy found in God is eternal.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Challenge: For me, complete surrender is scary; but it isn’t until I recognize my need and fully surrender my life to God that I will become all He plans for me. So I am determined to allow God to conquer my fears and doubts by completely surrendering my life to Him today, tomorrow, the next day, then the next, and the next…

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Between the Blogs

Quick Quotes: I gave in, and admitted that God was God. ~C. S. Lewis

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Between the Blogs

Question to Ponder: Do you find God repeating important lesson in your life?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Repeating the Lessons (Listening to The Teacher)

Along the way I’ve discovered that God is a patient teacher, continually repeating the lessons in my life that I stubbornly refuse to learn. His promise to transform the woman I currently am—the one steeped in the rampant sin of this world—to a woman of God is sometimes a long and painful process, but if I ask for His help, God will be faithful to complete the transformation of my life from old to new.

This transformation won’t always be easy, but thankfully God knows my heart and refuses to leave me in my current state; instead, He patiently shows me the way, repeating lessons as necessary. Like a parent teaching a child multiplication tables, God is willing to repeat the lessons again, and again, and again, and again…

But no matter how many times I wander away from His perfect path—falling for the same pitfall I fell for yesterday and the day before and the day before that—God is always faithful to take me gently by the hand and loving lead me back onto His path. And, in His infinite patience, He never gets angry with me; instead, He uses the circumstances in my life to tenderly teach me His way.

So I’ve determined to reassess my view of trials, taking a James 1 view: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance” James 1:2-3 (NIV). Instead of looking at the trials in my life as a punishment, I am going to begin viewing them as the gentle hand of a loving Father pulling me back on to His path to eternity.

I pray that God will continue revealing His truth to me, and that one day I will rely on Him to the point that my path will become smooth and my foot will no longer falter—just as He promised.

So join me as I cling to all of God’s perfect promises, as I invest my faith fully in the loving Father Who promises to smooth out my path and lead me safely into eternity.

Final Thought: God is a loving, endlessly patient teacher.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany:  Life and weather have this in common: The sun always comes out after the rain.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Challenge:  Today I’m challenging myself to let go and let God.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Between the Blogs

Quick Quote: To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket- safe, dark, motionless, airless--it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. ~C.S. Lewis

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Between the Blogs

Question to Ponder: Are you jeopardizing your future by stubbornly clinging to a pain of the past?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Between the Blogs

From the Word: “God’s way is perfect. All the LORD’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection” 2 Samuel 22:31 (NLT).

Replacing the Snarls (Finding the Joy)

Along the way I’ve observed that those in pain, including myself, often have trouble properly expressing those feelings. It’s often easier to lash out in anger than to express the emotions locked inside. In the absence of words, a snarl or a growl seems to be sufficient to express the turmoil inside.

In the past, I was paralyzed by the possibility of rejection, so I attempted to build an impenetrable shield around my heart—armor-plating it for safety. I locked myself in. But the loneliness was too much for my fragile spirit to bear, so I wielded my anger, my hurt, and my frustration like a double-edged sword. I lashed out at those around me, desperately trying to eliminate the pain and loneliness that haunted my every step.

I spent so much time protecting myself from perceived attacks that I had no more time or room in my heart for joy. I saw every word as a parry, every inflection as a thrust. I was constantly on the attack, erroneously assuming the world was doing the same, thus creating my own warped version of reality filled and overflowing with constant war and pain.

Thankfully, I discovered a better way—God’s way. He effortlessly eradicated the monstrous barriers I spent years carefully building. He melted my resolve and offered me His perfect peace. Once I finally opened my heart, He brought love, joy, and acceptance into my life; my snarls and growls were replaced by laughter and healing.

So join me as I continue to focus on God, allowing Him to keep my heart safe from the ravages of the world—the pain that continually knocks at the door and the anger that prowls in the night. Join me as I determine to let the light of God’s love be the only protection I need from the darkness of this sinful world.

Final Thought: God’s way is always better—always.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: God is enough to fully satisfy all of my heart’s deepest desires.  

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Challenge: Letting go of my temporal dreams can be difficult, but I know if I turn my life fully and completely over to God that my life will be more fulfilling—more abundant. So, with that in mind, I am challenging myself to turn every day, every week, every month, every year—my whole life—over to God, accepting His will and embracing His perfect plan.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Between the Blogs

Quick Quote: “If I discover within myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world”
~C.S. Lewis

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Between the Blogs

Question to Ponder: When's the last time you spent time listening to God?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Between the Blogs

Bible Blessings: “My thoughts are unlike your thoughts,” declares the Lord. “And we have completely different approaches to getting things done. Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts are higher than your thoughts.” ~Isaiah 55:8-9 (Randy Reed Paraphrased Version)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

I Am Enough (Keeping My Eye on the Prize)

Along the way I’ve tried to force God to reveal His plans for me. In my eagerness, I’ve asked Him to show me His will; I’ve implored Him to reveal His plans; I’ve begged and pleaded with Him to guide me to my life’s mission; I’ve entreated Him to give me a peek at the final picture of my life.

In a renewed effort to find my God-appointed place in life, I recently challenged myself to begin carving out alone time with God—making God-time a priority in my life. And, as is always the case with God, He didn’t waste time or mince words; the very first hour I spent in quite communion with Him, His Holy Spirit whispered this simple truth to my weary, searching soul: “I am enough.”

He whispered, “I long to be your Bridegroom, your Lover, your All-In-All; so why are you seeking more? I am everything you are looking for. I am the fulfillment of your spoken and unspoken desires. I am that connection you desperately pursue. I am the community you long for. I am the fulfillment of your heart’s deepest yearnings. I am enough.”

This powerful truth soothed my restless soul, giving me relief from the constant searching, seeking, imploring, begging, pleading, and worrying. The truth was so simple—all that was required of me was to fully focus on my relationship with God, giving Him permission to complete the work He had already begun in me. This realization released me from my time-consuming, life-sucking worry, giving me the freedom to fully focus on God.

So join me as I fix my eyes on the prize—a deep, fulfilling relationship with God. Join me as I embrace the simple truth that growing this essential relationship is the only way to fully experience the joyful journey God has planned for me.

Final Thought: When I fully focus on God, everything else in my life falls into place.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: The secret to focusing less on me is focusing more on God.

Between the Blogs

Personal Challenge: All good things come from God; He is the One Who daily gives me strength. In 1 Corinthians 1:31 Paul tells us to boast only in Christ, so I’m challenging myself to live this verse by ever keeping my focus, my praise, and all my boasting exactly where they belong: Pointing directly to the Source of my Strength, my Rock, and my Savior—Jesus.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Between the Blogs

Question to Ponder: What has pride cost you in your life?

Giving It to God (Conquering My Pride)

Along the way I’ve discovered that I am often completely crippled by unchecked pride in my life. This pride envelops my life, conjuring up countless fears: Fear I’ll mess up, fear I’ll look stupid, fear I’ll fail, fear I’ll do it wrong—fear I’ll be wrong.

Pride is insidious, often hiding in a seemingly beguine cloak of fear, but the root of my fear (if I’m completely honest with myself) is that my delicate pride will be mortally wounded. This ugly, stubborn pride of mine often keeps me from saying that I’m sorry or admitting that I’m wrong and, at times, it completely cripples my attempts to succeed in life. Pride also stops me from doing simple acts of service or from allowing others to provide service to me; prideful thoughts like, “Why should I stoop down,” or “I can do it myself,” often run through my mind.

In my life, pride and fear walk hand-in-hand, building an insurmountable barrier I’m unable to overcome on my own. Pride is my jail keeper, wrapping me in heavy chains that hold me back. Yes, pride seems to be an insurmountable obstacle.

So how do I conquer my ugly, stubborn pride? How do I move past it and, like Jesus, become a servant to man? The answer is simple: Turn it over to God.

It is only by recognizing God’s sovereign power, by standing humbly before the throne of the almighty God, by admitting my weakness, by recognizing my tiny, insignificant place in the universe, and by acknowledging that it is only through the love, grace, and power of God that I can succeed. It is only in the light of this truth that I can recognize my place in the universe and acknowledge that it’s God’s power, not my own, that daily gives me strength.

So join me as I bow humbly before the throne of God and ask for His wisdom and strength in my constant battle with pride.

Final Thought: God is my constant source of strength, giving me the courage to face the truth and fight the seemingly-endless battles in my life.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: There’s a lot of talk in the news today about stress and how it’s detrimental to our heath; the good news is that as Christians we have an automatic stress reducer called prayer—it’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s available 24/7. Here’s how it works: Simply take a few minutes to turn your worries, cares, anxieties, stresses, and troubles over to God and let Him carry them for you. But here’s the catch (you knew there had to be one): You must have faith that God is willing and able to take care of your every need and you must trust that He knows infinitely better than you how to provide for these needs.

Between the Blogs

Personal Challenge: The only way I can release my burdens of worry and anxiety is to turn them over to God. So I’m challenging myself to begin each day by turning my doubts and fears over to God, asking Him to release me from the constant flurry of cares and concerns that derail me from His perfect path.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Between the Blogs

Question to Ponder: Why are you still carrying your heavy burdens of pain, doubt, worry, and anxiety?

Between the Blogs

Bible Blessings: “Don’t worry, the Lord will protect you. Relax. Be patient. Have faith. Nothing’s too big for God to handle!” ~Exodus 14:14 (Randy Reed Paraphrased Version)

Releasing and Reclaiming My Burdens (Finally Breaking the Cycle)

Along the way I’ve come to realize that releasing the concerns, worries, and anxieties about my future is a constant battle.

I’ve learned that when I finally hand my troubles over to God, I instantly I feel light and free. I rejoice in my new found freedom; I dance and laugh, savoring the sheer joy of living burden-free.
Then, in the next moment, my eager fingers desperately grasp for those same concerns, worries, and anxieties. In the midst of my rejoicing I unwittingly reach out to retrieve my troubles; only one or two at first, then a few more, then a few more then, before I know it, I’ve completely ceased my dancing and become fully engrossed with the burdensome task of tallying my troubles. Like a conscientious accountant I diligently add them all up to be sure I have reclaimed each and every one of them. I carefully gather them like treasures, hording them, packing them back into my heavy, overstuffed bag.

Then when my burdens once again become too much and I can no longer carry them, I cry out: God, why is this so hard? Why is my life so burdensome? In that dark moment of  desperation when all seems lost, when I realize I can no longer shoulder my troubles alone, I once again release my anxieties, giving them to God—instant FREEDOM! The celebration, the dancing, the joy….Then, in the next moment, my greedy little fingers reach out to reclaim that backpack of pain….

This cycle rages on with me continually asking myself: Why is this so difficult? Why is it so hard to let go? Why do I stubbornly determined to do this on my own?  Why?

So join me as I break this vicious cycle, fighting the fierce battle of dependence—dependence on my burdens. Join me as I take time each morning to turn my concerns, worries, and anxieties over to God, daily placing my life in His hands. Join me as I celebrate my freedom!

Final Thought: Releasing my heavy burden of pain, guilt, doubt, worry, and anxiety is a battle that I can win by daily placing my life in the strong, loving hands of God.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Between the Blogs

Quick Quote: All our discontents about what we want appeared to spring from the want of thankfulness for what we have. ~Daniel Defoe

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011

Between the Blogs

From the Word: ” He went on: ‘It's what comes out of a person that pollutes: obscenities, lusts, thefts, murders, adulteries, greed, depravity, deceptive dealings, carousing, mean looks, slander, arrogance, foolishness—all these are vomit from the heart. There is the source of your pollution’ ”  Mark 7:20-23 (The Message).

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Counting My Own Blessings (Eschewing Misery)

Along the way I’ve discovered that if I follow God’s Ten Love Laws they will assist me in cultivating eternal relationships and guide me on my quest for a more joyful life.

For me, one of the best ways to live a joy-filled life is to live a life of gratitude, recognizing the small blessings in life and celebrating them daily.

One of the surest routes to misery is lusting after things—things I wish I had, things I’ll never have, things I can’t afford; empty, meaningless, useless things. God wanted to save me from this misery, so He gave me the last commandment. He recognized that looking at the lives of others to determine my path to happiness is a destructive road that leads to sorrow, pain, and disappointment. He knew that lusting after the possessions of others cannot bring me fulfillment; it can’t bring me happiness.

Instead of focusing on what others have, I should thank God for the many blessings in my life, especially the small things that make life so joyful—things like clean clothes, garden-fresh vegetables, sunshine, and rain.

I’ve discovered that focusing on the positive things in life is my happy path. So join me as I take time every day to rediscover the beauty in my life.

Final Thought: When I stop looking at what others have, when I stop wishing I had their life, when I choose instead to count my blessings, when I decided to appreciate the things I have, then, and only then, can I truly live a happier more content life.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: An vital component of joy-filled living is forming and cultivating deep, eternal relationships with our neighbors—and with our God.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Challenge: Some days I feel unexplained fingers of dread touching the very corners of my otherwise amazing life. There is no logical explanation for these feelings, but still they come. Sometimes I quickly push these unwanted feelings away and sometimes I explore them, trying to figure out what they could possibly mean. Allowing these feelings to become embedded in my life is unacceptable. That’s why I’m challenging myself to turn it all over to God. That’s why I’m letting go of all my fears, my doubts, my worries, and all those unexplainable feelings of dread. That’s why I’m letting go and letting God’s perfect peace inundate my sometimes-troubled soul.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Between the Blogs

Quick Quote: “I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.” Mother Teresa

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Between the Blogs

Question to Ponder: What are you doing to foster authentic fellowship?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Between the Blogs

From the Word: “So you must remain faithful to what you have been taught from the beginning. If you do, you will remain in fellowship with the Son and with the Father. And in this fellowship we enjoy the eternal life he promised us” 1 John 2:24-25 (NLT).

Building Strong Communities (Loving My Neighbor)

Along the way I’ve discovered that if I follow God’s Ten Love Laws they will assist me in cultivating eternal relationships and guide me on my quest for a more joyful life. I’ve also discovered that one of my deepest needs is the need for community.

In the past I’ve been deeply hurt by broken relationships in my life, relationships with my friends, my family, my co-workers, and my neighbors. Sadly, I’ve also been guilty of being the force that breaks apart the relationships in my life.

I’ve discovered that when I allow myself to begin picking apart those around me—finding fault in the things they do, looking for their failings, and pointing out their blemishes—I begin a vicious cycle of faultfinding and nitpicking that tears at the heart of the relationship, eventually completely destroying it.

Instead of tearing people down, God calls me (in commandments six, eight, and nine) to build strong communities by pouring out His unrelenting love on my neighbors. When I love my neighbors, taking Jesus’ advice of refusing to even get angry with them, when I refrain from lying about them, or stealing from them, it’s then that I begin building rich, full relationships that are the rock-solid foundation for a strong, vital community.

So join me as I allow God to heal the relationships in my life, restoring the community I so desperately desire—the community I was created for.

Final Thought: When the relationships in my life go smoothly, I live a richer, more abundant, more joyful life.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: Our deep, unsatisfied need for companionship can only be fulfilled by a relationship with our eternal God.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Challenge: Being a good friend and neighbor requires one very important skill: Listening.

Learning, communication, and healthy connections happen when true listening occurs. That’s why I’m challenging myself to make listening a priority in each of my daily transactions, thus letting my neighbors (all those I come in contact with) know that they matter—that they are important to me.

Between the Blogs

Quick Quote: "While the spirit of neighborliness was important on the frontier because neighbors were so few, it is even more important now because our neighbors are so many." ~Lady Bird Johnson

Between the Blogs

Question to Ponder: How do you cultivate community?

Between the Blogs

Bible Blessings: If you love Me, don’t murder any of My children. If you love Me, don’t take things that aren’t yours. If you love Me, don’t tell lies about other people. ~Exodus 20:13, 15-16 (Randy Reed Paraphrased Version)

Defining My Neighbor (Building a Lasting Community)

Along the way I’ve discovered that if I follow God’s Ten Love Laws they will assist me in cultivating eternal relationships and guide me on my quest for a more joyful life. I’ve also discovered that one of my deepest needs is the need for community.

God created us for community. In recognition of this, and as a guideline for more joyful community living, He gave us the last six commandments. (Specifically, commandments six, eight, and nine give us godly instructions on how to properly treat our neighbors in order to build a strong, healthy, lasting community.)

For me, my neighbors aren’t just the people who live in the house next to me; my neighbors include my my boss, co-workers, the guy I meet on the bike path, the lady who cleans the public restroom, my best friend, my worst enemy—literally everyone I come into contact with throughout the day. This includes the guy who cuts me off in traffic, the woman in the express lane at the grocery store with an overflowing shopping cart, the negative nelly who can’t find anything good to say about anyone, and the woman at work who loves spreading rumors about me. All of these individuals make up my community.

In order to create a strong, healthy, lasting community I must find a way to get along with everyone I come into contact with. So join me as I determine to follow God’s loving instructions, and instead of lying about, stealing from, getting angry at, or otherwise hurting those around me, I chose to focus on the good in others, allowing God to fill my life with a divine love that I can in turn pour out on those around me.

Final Thought: Building a strong community can only happen when I stop focusing on the self-important “I” and start focusing on the all-powerful Him.

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: When I’m faithful in my relationship with God it gives me the solid foundation to continue that faithfulness in all my other relationships.

Between the Blogs

Personal Challenge: For me, marriage has been an abundant blessing; God sent me a godly man who continually thinks of my needs. This week I am challenging myself to put my relationship with my husband on the front burner, to continue making his needs a priority and to love him with the abundance of love that God pours out on me.

Between the Blogs

Quick Quote: “I’ve discovered that when I’m faithful in the most important relationships—those with my wife and with my God—that all other relationships greatly benefit from that faithfulness.” ~Randy R. Reed

Between the Blogs

Question to Ponder: Have you made faithfulness a priority in your relationships?

Between the Blogs

Bible Blessings: If you love Me, don’t destroy your marriage by cheating—be faithful to each other even as I am faithful to you. ~Exodus 20:14 (Randy Reed Paraphrased Version)

Semper Fi (Always Faithful)

Along the way I’ve discovered that if I follow God’s Ten Love Laws they will assist me in cultivating eternal relationships and guide me on my quest for a more joyful life.

Just over twelve years ago I embarked on the most amazing, challenging, uplifting, interesting, inspiring, exhilarating, and joyful journey of my life—I got married.

These twelve years have given me a deeper understanding of why the Bible frequently uses the marriage relationship as a metaphor for our relationship with God. God asks us to be faithful in both of these crucial relationships.

For me, faithfulness goes far beyond adultery, or idolatry; it goes beyond simply avoiding inappropriate thoughts about other men, or other gods. Faithfulness is about devotion and loyalty. In the seventh commandment, God calls me to love my husband. He calls me to take pleasure in his company, to get to know his every move, his every expression, his every desire. He calls me to give him that special place in my heart, and to reserve it for him and him alone.

When I do these things, I grow a deep, enduring relationship that enhances my life, challenging me to become a better wife and to continually express my ever-growing love in big and small ways.

When this relationship is firmly founded on a solid bed of trust it flourishes and grows. There is nothing better than having a faithful partner to share my life with. God wants me to have this same experience with Him.

So join me as I embrace faithfulness in my marriage and in my relationship with God, thus allowing both to flourish and grow.

Final Thought: Living a life of perpetual faithfulness is living a life of perpetual joy.

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: “Honour thy father and thy mother” means honoring my parents by the life I choose to live. Throughout the course of my life, the morals, standards, and ideals my parents instilled in me continue to live long after they’re gone.

Between the Blogs

Personal Challenge: Because my family is notoriously bad at staying in touch, keeping in contact often falls to me, but, unfortunately, I am also terrible at keeping in touch. Even so, my family is extremely important to me, and if I want them to know that they’re important and that I care, I must make the effort to show them.

So I’m challenging myself to get into a routine of contacting them, even if it’s just a quick call to say “hello.”

I am determined to make these critical relationships a priority in my life.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Between the Blogs

Quick Quote: In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony. ~Eva Burrows

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Between the Blogs

Question to Ponder:  When did you last tell your family how much you care about them?

Monday, August 1, 2011

Between the Blogs

Bible Blessings: If you love Me, show it by honoring and respecting your parents. Treat them the same way you would treat Jesus and I will shower you with blessings beyond your wildest dreams. ~Exodus 20:12 (Randy Reed Paraphrased Version)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

My First Relationship (Honor Thy Parents)

Along the way I’ve discovered that if I follow God’s 10 Love Laws they will assist me in cultivating eternal relationships and guide me on my quest for a more joyful life.

Recently I’ve discovered that having a good relationship with my parents assists me in my quest for joyful living.

The fifth commandment has always been a tough one for me to come to terms with. In this commandment, God addresses the first relationships we experience—our relationship with our parents. These two pivotal relationships set the tone for the rest of the relationships in our lives.

The relationship with my parents has been a lesson hard-learned for me. My relationship with them suffered for many years due to my disregard for this commandment. I did not respect my parents or the wisdom they shared. However, in recent years I have come to realize that my parents have accumulated a wealth of knowledge in their many years—a knowledge that I can still benefit from today.

I’ve learned that honoring my parents doesn’t mean that I will always agree with them or with what they do, but it does mean that I always give them the respect they deserve. And I’ve also learned that by simply changing my attitude, I can begin to heal these relationships that continue to shape who I am becoming.

I’ve found that my relationship with my parents truly is enhanced, and I avoid some serious life mistakes when I respect my parents, listening to their wise words; after all, they spent many years making mistakes, so I plan on taking advantage of those years of “research” by learning from their wisdom.

So join me as I embrace the flawless wisdom of God, changing my attitude toward my parents and showing them honest and sincere respect, healing the brokenness of these relationships that once shattered my life.

Final Thought: Building strong, solid relationships can be a lifelong challenge, but the payoff is eternal.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: When my relationship with God flourishes, my eyes are opened and I can finally recognize the things that are truly important. This allows me to push aside the piles of trivial tasks that threaten to drowned me and focus on the eternal.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Challenge: I’m challenging myself to continue putting God first in my life by daily setting aside time to spend with Him—time that doesn’t get bumped, changed, squeezed, moved, or superseded; time that is set in stone (regardless of how crazy my life becomes); everything else in my life will be moved as necessary to accommodate my God time. Putting God first means making sure that the most important thing in my day is Him.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Between the Blogs

Quick Quote: When I have learned to love God better than my earthly dearest, I shall love my earthly dearest better than I do now.... When first things are put first, second things are not suppressed but increased. ~C.S. Lewis

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Between the Blogs

Question to Ponder: If the apostle Paul is right and the law doesn’t save us, then what role should it play in our Christian walk?

Monday, July 25, 2011

Between the Blogs

Bible Blessings: Your laws make me grin from ear to ear; they are my greatest advisors—a constant source of wisdom and joy. ~Psalm 119:24 (Randy Reed Paraphrased Version)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Living the Law (Loving the Law)

Along the way I’ve discovered that if I follow God’s 10 Love Laws they will assist me in cultivating eternal relationships and guide me on my quest for a more joyful life.

Recently I’ve been contemplating love, the Law, service, and salvation, and I’ve discovered in my own life that the Law (the Ten Commandments) assists me in my quest for joyful living.

I’ve realized that following the first four Commandments is not about obeying the letter of the Law, it’s about keeping my focus on God and making time to cultivate that crucial relationship with Him. I’ve discovered that my life is better when I write God’s Law in my heart; when I live it, allowing it to saturate my every action.

When I follow the spirit of the first four Commandments, my relationship with God flourishes and my life is better, richer, fuller, and more joyful. Putting God at the center of my life—making it a priority to spend quality time with Him every day, allowing His name to only pass my lips in praise, worshiping only Him—is the most important piece of my Christian walk.

I am abundantly blessed by the wisdom of this godly lifestyle.

So join me as I continue to put God at the center of my life, insuring that this crucial relationship continues to grow.

Naked and Vulnerable (Thoughts from the Pot): God knows that our lives will be more joyful when we have a living, thriving relationship with Him.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Challenge: I am often impatient with God, continually asking Him to show me what He wants me to do. I don’t want to wait; I want to know now. So, like a petulant child who says, “Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!” wailing for attention, I persistently pester God for an immediate answer.

For me, waiting is the hardest part. So I’ve decided to challenge myself to not only wait patiently on the Lord, but also to enjoy the waiting. I’ve decided to allow God’s perfect peace to surround me, to allow the stillness to encompass me, to allow it to soak deep down into my soul—to find a quiet peace in the silence that often comes with waiting.

I am determined to wait patiently on the Lord, to allow the One Who knows the beginning from the end—and has promised good things to me—to reveal His will in His perfect time.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Between the Blogs

Quick Quote: I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy. ~Rabindranath Tagore.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Between the Blogs

Question to Ponder: Are you using your spiritual gifts to the glory of God?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Between the Blogs

Bible Blessings: Embrace God’s will until it becomes your will—now nothing can stop you! ~Proverbs 16:3 (Randy Reed Paraphrased Version)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Finding My Passion (Serving Selflessly)

Along the way I’ve discovered that in order to truly be successful in service I must first find a service outlet I am passionate about. I must find within me that passionate place overflowing with the creative energy of God, that creative place He carved out in my soul that effortlessly gushes out in a decadent display of selfless service.

When I finally discover this God-given well of unending, creative energy, when I discover that thing I was created to do, then service will be a natural outlet for this creative reservoir. When I finally discover what God created me to do, service will invigorate me instead draining my energy, it will build me up instead of sapping my waning strength.

Sadly, too many times I give in to my desperate need to belong, rushing impetuously into a ministry God never intended for me, then I wonder why I’m so tired, worn-out, and depleted. I wondered why God doesn’t just give me the strength and mental toughness to push through the muck and mire of service. I wondered why He leads me to the cliff and then doesn’t provide a parachute.

The sad truth is I often jump off the wrong cliff and as I’m fall into the endless abyss I wonder why I’m not flying on the wings promised me. In my eagerness to serve God I often leave Him out of the equation, jumping at endless opportunities only to find myself depleted and desperate, looking for an escape. But God has a place for each of us, a place for me, a place filled with creative energy, a place that allows me to jump from the cliff and soar on His powerful wings of joy.

So join me as I throw out my doubts and put my trust fully in the One Who created me, the One Who knows my heart’s longings, the One Who longs to fulfill those deep, God-planted desires of my heart. Join me as I allow God to lead me into the rich, full life of service He always planned for me. Join me as I allow God to transform my daily drudgery into a joyful journey of fulfilling service.

Naked and Vulnerable (Thoughts from the Pot): Service should be a joyful sharing of our God-given talents rather than a series of toilsome tasks we trudge through out of a misguided sense of obligation.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Challenge (Update): This morning, I found a quiet spot under a tree that spread its thick arms over a weathered picnic table, holding off the piercing rays of the sun and the gentle rain that fell; a blanket of green lay like a leafy rug under the overhanging branches. Here I met with God.

At first the barking dogs, persistent ants, birds loudly chattering about my arrival, and periodically passing exercisers distracted me, but as I dove into The Word these distractions melted away and God and I began our hour-long conversation that included some reading, some quite time, much praying, some writing, and some more quite time.

As the hour wound down, I felt the whispers of the Holy Spirit in my soul saying, “I have a message for you this morning and now you are ready to hear it.”

I picked up my pen and this is the simple message God whispered to me this morning: I am enough.

I’m not sure if I can wait a whole week for our next appointment, perhaps only an hour a week is not enough. I’ll figure it all out, but my first intentional encounter was truly amazing—just like my God.

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: Trusting God to fulfill our deepest desires is the only path to true, sustainable happiness.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Challenge: My deepest desire is to continue to grow my personal relationship with God. Recently I’ve felt Him calling me into a deeper relationship, calling me to spend quality alone time with Him—quiet time when it’s just me and Him, minus all the world’s distractions. I’m not talking about quiet times on my bike or reading the Bible with my husband or even worshiping with my church family; I’m talking about spending personal time alone with God—time spent fully focused on my Creator, listening and just being in communion with The Lover of My Soul.

I am determined to build a strong, personal relationship with God, and I know to do so I must add some quality personal God-time to my schedule. So to begin, I am challenging myself to set aside one full hour a week to spend alone with God—to find a quiet place, a place I don’t normally go (perhaps in the woods near my home), that can be my place to spend honest, soul-searching time with God.

So, if the desire of your heart is to have an intimate relationship with The Lover of Your Soul, I challenge you to join me in making alone time with God a priority in your life—starting now.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Between the Blogs

Quick Quote: The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. ~Mohandas Gandhi

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Between the Blogs

Question to Ponder: Are you listening to God? Are you paying close attention as He speaks to you concerning the deepest desire of your heart—the desire to be in intimate relationship with Him, the desire to serve Him in a specific and empowering way, the desire to serve Him in a way that will not only bring Him glory, but also fully satisfy your deepest unspoken desires?

Between the Blogs

From the Word: As Jesus and his disciples went on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha welcomed him in her home. She had a sister named Mary, who sat down at the feet of the Lord and listened to his teaching. Martha was upset over all the work she had to do, so she came and said, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her to come and help me!" The Lord answered her, "Martha, Martha! You are worried and troubled over so many things, but just one is needed. Mary has chosen the right thing, and it will not be taken away from her." ~Luke 10:38-42 GNT

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Selfless Service (Following Christ’s Example)

Along the way I’ve been deceived by a false vision of service. In the past, the word “service” has conjured up a dark vision of a woman who’s been long taken advantage of; harried and exhausted, thinking of everyone except herself, she is no longer able to fully function.

I have since realized that a person who overcommits and is pounded into the ground by her own “selfless” acts is often a woman crying out for recognition. For her, the driving force behind her endless acts of service is the desire to be praised, rather than the selfless outpouring of unconditional love.

I recognize her because I’ve often seen her staring back at me from the bathroom mirror. I regularly find myself guilty of seeking recognition and praise for my acts of service. In fact, if I’m completely honest with myself, some of my most selfish moments are the moments when I’m “thinking of others.”

Christ personified the true spirit of service, so to find the beautiful, spirit-renewing truth of not just living but flourishing in an environment of unselfish and others-filled living, I must examine Christ’s perfect life.

Jesus, Who took service and others-centered living very seriously, often took private time away from the clamoring crowds to pray and meditate on God’s Word. He intentional sought quiet moments to commune with His Father because He knew that without a constant connection to His source of strength He would be unable to fully love others and live out that love in acts of selfless service.

Christ recognized that the persistent whispers of self could only be interrupted by a constant stream of love flowing from His Father. He knew that, like any relationship, a relationship with God is only cultivated by spending time with Him. So in the ultimate act of unselfish service Christ took time to insure that He was fully connected to His source wisdom and strength—God.

It was out of concern for others—to insure that the time spent with them was a time of full engagement—that Jesus took time to renew His connection with His Father.

Using Christ as my example, I acknowledge that the only way I can give every moment over to the loving service of others is to be fully connected with the ultimate source of wisdom, strength, and unfailing love—God. With God as my focus I will be filled with Him, and then and only then will the ever-present voice of “me, my, and mine” be silenced, allowing me to live a joyful, unselfish life of love and service.

So join me as I ask God to fill me with His unending love, transforming the drudgery of my life into a joyful journey of service.

Naked and Vulnerable (Thoughts from the Pot):  Service enriches our lives and draws others to Christ.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: When I step out on my own, failure is my constant companion; but with God, “all things are possible.”

Between the Blogs

Personal Challenge: I am determined to live a life that accurately reflects Christ’s unconditional love, but when I try to do this on my own the words that roll off my tongue are often heated and angry instead of kind and encouraging. I have come to recognize that I can’t do it on my own, so I am challenging myself to begin each day with an earnest and sincere prayer inviting God into my day, allowing His abundant love to permeate my every transaction—fully embracing His perfect peace, profound wisdom, and transforming love.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Between the Blogs

Quick Quote: I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do. ~Edward Everett Hale

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Between the Blogs

Question to Ponder: Do others see Jesus when they look at you?

Between the Blogs

Bible Blessings: The King will answer them, “I can guarantee this truth: Every time you helped someone in need, you helped Me.” ~Matthew 25:40 (Randy Reed Paraphrased Version)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Setting Aside Selfishness (Savoring the Joy of Service)

Along the way I’ve often viewed a life of service as a draining, unsustainable lifestyle—a lifestyle of self-sacrifices where I’m required to allow others to push me around and trample me under their selfish, little feet.

But this story is simply a lie I repeat to soothe my selfish desires. I allow this little lie to grow and replicate until, in an honest moment of deep self-examination, I am surprised to discover within me a heart of stone instead of the beautiful heart of flesh I desperately desire—the one God faithfully promised in Ezekiel 36:26.

One of the best kept secrets about helping others is beautifully described in this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson: “It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.”
Living unselfishly does not require me to run myself ragged, to give up everything I enjoy, or to relinquish my personal desires; instead, it means putting my life fully in the hands of an ever-loving God and asking Him to exchange my heart of selfishness for a heart for service. Only when my will is fully aligned with God’s will can I truly begin to live—embracing His beautiful, joy-filled, service-filled plan for my life.

So join me as I ask God to redefine my view of service, allowing His love to shine through my actions, and finally fully embarking on my joyful journey of service.

Naked and Vulnerable (Thoughts from the Pot): The true spirit of service enlivens and invigorates, it does not drain or demoralize. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Epiphany: When we embrace the fullness of God’s love our hearts are gloriously transformed; they overflow with His outlandish love—a love so abundant it can’t be contained; it spontaneously pours out onto everyone around us in an exuberant torrent of joy-filled service.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Between the Blogs

Personal Challenge: I sometimes find the idea of a lifetime of service overwhelming, but a friend once gave me this sage advice, “This is all you need to do to live a life of service: Pray each morning for God to show you what to do that day—just that day—then get up the next morning, and the next morning, and the next morning…with the same prayer on your lips.” This prayer always brings me back to the heart of true service—listening to the whispers of the Holy Spirit speaking to my heart, telling me the path I should follow. So, this week (and in the weeks to come), I am challenging myself to wake up each morning with this simple prayer on my lips.

Between the Blogs

Quick Quote: Selfishness is self-destructive, not self-serving. ~Randy R. Reed

Between the Blogs

Question to Ponder: Who are you really thinking about when you serve others?

Between the Blogs

From the Word: Jesus said, “Here’s a new twist on an old command: Don’t just love others as you love yourself; instead, emulate Me—love them with the same divine, self-sacrificing love that I’ve lavished upon you.” ~John 15:12 (Randy Reed Paraphrased Version)©

Focusing on Others (Becoming a Blessing)

Along the way I’ve discovered my selfishness runs deep, often rearing its ugly head, interfering with my desire to live a joyful, others-focused life. One of the most pervasive lies the devil embeds into the fabric of our society is that thinking about me is not only good, it’s essential to abundant living.

This lie has quietly slipped into my life and, at the most inopportune times, it interferes with my joyful journey.

Sadly, this lie is very persistent in spreading its ideal of selfishness. Often without even realizing it, I find myself holding this lie up as a banner, fully convinced that I’m standing up for what is right—defending my rights. The sad truth is I’m only selfishly holding on to my self-centeredness.

Here’s the beautiful truth: Putting God first, then others second, and me third is the recipe for a truly abundant life. When we turn our selfish desires over to God, asking Him to fill us with His love, our lives will be lived out in joyful service.

So join me as I ask God to turn my selfish journey into a joyful journey of selflessness where God is King and I finally discover that by blessing others I can’t help but be abundantly blessed myself.

Naked and Vulnerable (Thoughts from the Pot):  The best way to be blessed is to be a blessing.

Embracing Joy (Living Love)

Along the way I’ve found that keeping a song of praise in my heart and a kind word continually on my lips profoundly enriches my life.

Around every corner I find a multitude of reasons to praise, and in every situation I discover compelling reasons for kindness. Praise and kindness work in tandem, because while I’m praising God in my heart, it’s virtually impossible to curse from my lips; and a heart filled with the joy of God can’t help but overflows with love for others.

Recently, the truth of Nehemiah 8:10, “The joy of the Lord is my strength,” has become very real to me. When my heart is joyfully filled with God it leaves little room for the world’s ugliness to taint my thoughts, and when my thoughts are fully focused on God it is very difficult for the words of my mouths or the actions of my hands to be hurtful, hateful, or cause pain to others. The beautiful truth is this: When I have the joy of the Lord in my heart it is difficult for my mouth, hands, feet, or mind to do anything that doesn’t bring Him glory.

When I finally experience this truth full force in my life I will tap directly into God’s strength and unending love—a love that cannot be contained, a love that must be shared.

So join me as I fill my life with the joy of the Lord, allowing His strength and unending love to continually surround me, protecting me from my own evil desires.
Naked and Vulnerable (Thoughts from the Pot):  Just as darkness cannot exist in the presence of light, curses cannot exist in the presence of praises.